
A selection of Jennifer’s most recent creative projects.

Satellites aims to connect the past, present and future of Asian arts
practice in Aotearoa, supporting the development of unique Aotearoa Asian voices. Jennifer leads the archival research on zinemaking and comics, and also helps to run workshops.

Satellites Aotearoa Asian Arts Archive

The Auckland Writers Festival lit-crawl evening where writers, musicians and artists take to the streets of Britomart for an extravaganza of creative shenanigans. Jennifer curated, managed and designed the aesthetic for the event, which saw over 800 attendees throughout the night.


Everything That Moves, Moves Through Another

Everything That Moves, Moves Through Another is a landmark anthology that brings together the creative work of twenty-seven mixed-heritage creatives from across Aotearoa. Weaving together a range of artistic mediums and giving space to both emerging and experienced creatives, this anthology lays the groundwork for deeper and more empathetic conversations around the experience of mixed-heritage individuals. Funded by Foundation North’s Asian Artists Fund.

RNZ Interview; Spinoff Review

Notes Underground is a performance art piece that attempts to investigate concepts of representation and the performance of mixed-heritage families in the media. Through recording and transcribing a genuine family dinner over Lunar New Years, Notes Underground confronts what it means to represent experiences that a viewer may never truly understand. Funded by Creative New Zealand

Notes Underground Development

Dive into critical interviews about fashion or hear from three indie publishers discuss the state of small press in Aotearoa, or update your playlists with some DJ setlist recommendations. From music to architecture to food, Rat World Issue Seven features a range of queer artists, musicians, cartoonists, writers and more.

Guest Edited by Jean Teng and Nathan Joe
Supported by Auckland Pride

Ensemble Article

Rat World Issue Seven: Queer Takeover

Jennifer was the guest curator for the 2023 New Zealand Young Writers Festival, a three-day writers festival in Ōtepoti to celebrate Aotearoa's next generation of literary talent. Jennifer’s curatorial choices focussed on alternative forms of storytelling, visual narratives and engaging new communities in literature festivals.

Otago Daily Times Interview; Ensemble Interview; Critic Te Ārohi Interview

New Zealand Young Writers Festival